Monday, October 15, 2007

I am an animal, therefore Animal Crackers are for me

At least that's my logic. Bridget brings little ziploc baggies of animal crackers to school every day. So in her suitcase, which she keeps on the futon in the office most of the time, there is always a baggie of animal crackers. Sometime between last Thursday (when she was last at school) and right now, I decided that I might like to try some animal crackers. It was quite easy for my ferocious teeth to rip through the ziploc and enjoy those yummy yummy animal crackers! I'm a dog, and I'm an animal, and if she thinks I'm going to stop eating animal crackers anytime soon, she has another thing coming.

1 comment:

E said...

Carter, you should find some dog biscuits shaped like people and eat them in front of your peoples but don't let them have any. Let's see how they like it!