Monday, May 14, 2007

Pantry Bandit Strikes Again!

Today I did a totally awesome thing. While Bridget was on the phone with her mom, I snuck into the pantry and totally helped myself to all the treats I could find. In fact, I just stuck my head into the bag of treats that sits on the floor. I'm not even supposed to be in the KITCHEN, let alone the pantry, so it was all pretty hush-hush, until Bridget came looking for me to take me for a walk. She was kinda mad. She said the reason I have an upset stomach (which I do) is because I ate too many treats. Too many treats? How is that possible. I also tried to eat several other things today, including a Hershey bar wrapper and the remains of Jake's dinner. I was not successful today, but I will try, try again.

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