You'll be pleased to know that I continue to be a flatbread bandit. Bridget and Jake had their friends over to rip out the plaster in this room where I'm not allowed to go, and they ordered all this awesome food for lunch. While no one was looking, I stuck my head in a bag and pulled out a big pita bread, then ran with it. Jake eventually caught me, but it was still pretty fun. Here I am among the rubble they created:
The next most awesome thing that happened was that I went to Aunt Paula's sleepaway dog camp while Bridget and Jake were away. I love Paula. She took me out to this rally downtown, and I met all these nice people and kids. I even met the Episcopal minister, who invited me back to church. How cool is that? I had a great time, and I was especially interested when a giant tray of deli meats walked by. It was a very fun evening.
On a previous visit to Aunt Paula's, she was surprised to discover that I enjoy drive-thru windows. Who doesn't love a drive-thru window, especially the one at Top Donut? Aunt Paula was shocked to find me crawling across her lap and out the window, attempting to climb in through the drive through window. But I thought that was totally normal behavior.
I do have a couple complaints after my visits with Aunt Paula. Her dogs, Cerebus and Marlin, get to have THEIR OWN DONUT when they go to Top Donut, but Jake and Bridget say I only get dog treats. PLUS, Cerebus and Marlin get this awesome wet food, but Jake and Bridget only feed me dry kibble. I think this is an injustice. Please write letter and make phone calls in support of my campaign for a better Carter diet.
Here I am, enjoying my DRY KIBBLE outside on the deck. I guess it's not that bad. And I am pretty cute.
1 comment:
I'm sorry to hear that you feel your food options aren't fair, especially when compared with what other dogs get to eat. While I can't really speak for Marlin, I would guess that a dog named Cerebus probably has better than average chances to live by the philosophy "Whatever Cerebus wants, Cerebus gets". So, I wouldn't necessarily use Cerebus's menu items as a meter. But I'm sure your owners have your best interests in mind when they feed you dry kibble. And from both your and Bridget & Jake's accounts, it sounds like you're supplementing your diet with plenty of other, non-kibble, non-authorized food items (but I do have to agree with you, flat bread awesome)!
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