See how I'm on the couch? So apparently, it's fine for me to be on the couch if the humans are on the couch and they invite me up. But for some reason I can't fathom, I'm not allowed to be on the couch BY MYSELF. I think this is tremendously unfair. Some mornings, after Jake leaves for work and Bridget is still upstairs, I like to get on the couch. Or when Bridget goes to the basement to do laundry, I like to get on the couch. She seems very exasperated with me when I do this. But why do I have to always only share the couch?
Another thing that annoys me: that Cat Who Refuses to Acknowledge Me. There's this cat, and he has a real attitude problem. Most of the cats around here, like the two orange ones on Beacon run away when they see me. But this cat, boy he has some nerve. he doesn't budge an inch, no matter how much I leap and bark and whine at him.
For those of you who are interested in may daily comings and goings (for instance, my internet stalkers out there), I've created this map of my world for you:,-71.292747&spn=0.005618,0.009259&z=17
I think it's pretty cool.